Dick started life in Glasgow, Scotland. As a child he studied hard and played rugby at a unique private school founded in 1641. It worked. By age 23 he had a PhD in Engineering and was playing top level rugby as a “blue” at Cambridge University. In 1970 he emigrated to the US. He started as an engineer in the nuclear industry.

By 1987 he was Chairman and CEO of a NYSE global industrial company. For about 25 years he ran companies that had employees of all races and religions all over the world. He has been exposed to many industries, technologies and cultures. In the last 40 years he has been a resident in the UK, Ireland, Italy and the US.

His life experiences have given him a deep understanding of global economic choices, the development and purpose of technology and the conflicting human belief systems around the world. Along the way he was presented to Queen Elizabeth, was a Visiting Professor at UC Berkeley, and harvested his own olives in Italy.

Today he is very active in overseeing his farrier and blacksmith supplies business and is striving to be a better grandfather.